Tenak’s cryoboxes are the best on the world market and made of environmentally friendly materials
Constant improvement is one of the cornerstones of Tenak‘s philosophy when it comes to their products.
Tenak’s cardboard cryoboxes have gone through an overall review. Every partof the process and choice of material has been evaluated and the result are the best cryoboxes on the world market.
The boxes are available in 5 different colors; white, blue, yellow, red and green. The white boxes are made of a water repellant paper. The colored boxes are all PP coated as standard for longer durability.
As a result you get:
- The best price/quality ratio
- Boxes that are water repellant
- Long durability
Additionally, all the boxes are made according to best practice thus:
- All the paper is 100% recyclable
The paper/carton based material is produced under forest certification systems
The glue is non-toxic, water based and environmentally friendly
The production takes place under proper human working conditions at Tenak’s European factory
For more information, please read the brochure and contact us to get a good price!